That sounds like a good idea, I'll do that at 7pm. Thanks!
Yes, we were all there.
Hello, our 10 week old pup has been confined to the kitchen and hallway since coming home with us 2 weeks ago. We set up a pen in our lounge today...
Hi, I am in the same boat. Looking for insurance and getting completely confused by all the small print. Have you got yours sorted yet?
Hello, my 9 week pup has been eating crabapples which have fallen ages ago and rotten on the ground. He had his first jab yesterday and today has...
He's currently on Gusto Puppy food.
He's doing fine but I was under the impression that I was supposed to change. Is that not the case?
Hello, I am looking into changing my puppies food from what the breeder sent him home with. It's all a bit of a minefield and I'm confused as to...
Hello! Our 8 week old puppy has discovered the gravel paths around the house and has been trying to eat them. Unfortunately some are small and...
Delighted to say that Whisky woke this morning and had lots to drink and enjoyed his breakfast. He's full of beans and absolutely gorgeous!
He's fast asleep at the moment but has been very playful and inquisitive. Hopefully when he wakes up he might want a drink and some food. Thank...
Thank you for your responses. It's reassuring to know that this is normal. He still hasn't touched any food and isn't interested in water either...
Hello, we brought our new puppy home this morning but he hasn't touched any food. He's had some water and had a few pees but doesn't seem...