Re: Question about weight loss haha, the eye shadow! that's ma boy! Just to clarify he only drools when he's exerting himself. If we do a good...
Re: G'Day Here is the first pic we saw of him from the Animal Welfare League site. [img]
Re: Question about weight loss Thanks guys! That's encouraging, reassuring and much appreciated. It's hard because he's adult, been overweight...
Hi all, Roger is still overweight - he fails all the checks you can do, both visual and physical (ala ribs, shape of tummy) and he also looks...
Re: G'Day Thanks for the hearty welcome guys, I will ask a few questions in the appropriate areas. Some basic health stuff first. I think we've...
G'Day all, Will here from downunder. Having had a bad experience with a previous puppy which we got to complete our family of four (girl now 9,...