Ps meant to say thanks for your comments
Thanks for all your comments. I've only just read them, so haven't called the vets.....he's really ok in himself. When he didn't eat his breakfast...
Hi there, I'm never sure if I should still post here because Flash is now 7 months old? Flash was really poorly last week, he'd either eaten...
I bought it from a pet shop, so I don't think it's raw
Hi, I'm so glad I found this page, I've found some really useful advice and information. My question is somebody suggested I buy Flash a pigs...
Thank you. Flash is generally very good and we've been going to puppy classes since he had all his jabs - this is the main problem. It's a shame...
Hi. I have a 6 month old black lab and when he is out in the garden on his own he eats Everything - sticks, soil, stones etc. He has been quite...