Thank you so much for the all of the replies. I probably am guilty of not giving him enough stimulation. How do I do a "hunt the treat" game?...
Our Chocolate lab is just over a year old. How do I train him to leave things alone and only play with his toys? He pulls pillows off the couch...
Thanks, we'll give this a try.
We have Jedi in puppy training class. He will be 6 months old next week. He is learning great, the only problem is during training class - he just...
Thank you, I never thought of too much food. He is now eating 2x a day instead of 3. Maybe I'll try to change it back to 3x and see if that helps.
My pup is a little over 5 months and is definitely teething (been finding a couple around the house). This past week his stool has been extremely...
We'll play too...Jedi is 19 weeks and weighs 39 lbs. Someone told me today that he won't be very big because his paws are small...I thought his...
Hi, I've been lurking on this forum for a few months now and decided it was time to say hi (so I can start asking my questions). ;) Our little...