We are struggling with a similar issue. Apollo has had a loose stool since the day we brought him home. He is now nearly 6 months old. I didn't...
I am new to puppy training. I am also a checklist kind of person. I love to be able to look at a list of things to do and the order to do them...
Today's training went much better. I took Apollo's lunch with me and treated him nearly constantly-which kept his attention on me for most of the...
Husband rarely listens to my suggestions on how he should intercact with the pup. I am thinking of leaving a bag of treats on the outside of the...
Thank you all for your feedback. I think we'll give it one more week...maybe exercise him a little more, give him a little lunch before class and...
After our last puppy class I overheard the trainer commenting to another puppy parent that my pup is difficult in class because we waited too long...
I have a beautiful 16 week old yellow named Apollo. He is enrolled in puppy classes and I work with him at home. He gets plenty of exercise and...