Re: Total Recall Question: Recall from food? That one is exactly George, no interest in whats up on the side because he knows he wont get it. As...
Chapter 11: Basic Recall, exercise 5. Just wondered if there is a specific way this task should be done? Currently George wouldn’t be interested...
Re: Total Recall Question/Issue I suppose its confusing for him to sit and wait so there is a distance, better for someone to just hold them to...
Re: Total Recall Question/Issue Ah i se so there doesn’t necessarily have to be a distance, just he’s moving essentially? Thus i can stand...
Re: Total Recall Question/Issue Sorry exercise 3 chapter 4, moving dinners....
We are up to exercise 3 page 100 i think it is, blowing whistle que as the dog comes towards you, for either treats or dinner. We have an issue...
Re: Question Them training you...? How do we go about making our ‘OFF’ rock solid so he does it every time from anything, including dead...
Re: Question Them training you...? Oh wow really? That would be heaven. As the soul purpose of us upping the ‘off’ training and starting total...
Re: Question Them training you...? Shouldn’t we be limiting the treats, as in 1 in 5 he doesn’t get one though? He is also sometimes ignoring...
I imagine this is a scenario lots of us have been apologies for the long explanation. During George’s training of the word ‘off’ as...
Re: How to get a really reliable recall We're not at the point of whistling and waiting for him to come. Which is harder than it sounds as he...
Re: How to get a really reliable recall Thanks Pippa, i'll try and get the treats ready distract him till he has forgotten, then as he trots over...
Re: How to get a really reliable recall I have another Total Recall question if anyone can help....? We are at the point where we get George to...
Re: How to get a really reliable recall Started total recall today, with whistle and tasty treats; think he is getting it as he is sitting...
Re: How to get a really reliable recall Started the book and enjoying it so far. Just a quick question if someone has some advice. George is...
Re: How to get a really reliable recall Book arrived! George almost 9 months, not too bad at all when just with use but looking forward to...
Re: over excited greeting Any further tips on this for an 8 month old who wants to be everyones friend? Its everyone else, when myself or my...
Re: Stopping an action? I dont think it's that as we sometimes do it in the morning before his breakfast and he is so keen to eat and get back...
Re: Stopping an action? Tiny bits of cheese and/or hotdog.
Re: Stopping an action? George has professed to picking it up and then dropping for a treat. I have a little bit of a funny problem. He doesn't...