One question.. do you work outside the home? I can work from home full time if I want to, however I do have an office and I am trying to at least...
Interesting about the two dogs. Our older dog was trained as a guide dog for the blind but didn't make the final cut, they are very strict, so...
oh no.. that is scary! I have to say, our older dog, Pierre , has only barked, growled and snapped, no actual biting. Little Jaks has no fear of...
Just reading through this, do you put a puppy pen outside just for Jake? or do you have a fenced in yard, plus the puppy pen? we only have a...
We are doing it mostly for the socialization aspect, because of how our older dog reacts to him, we think it is very good to see that not all...
We start 'basic manners" class tonight, however the first night is just orientation with the humans, puppy free night. Hoping to get some...
Jaks is doing that with the kitchen chairs, puts his paws on them and looks at me like he is so proud!!! My full vocabulary now is, NO BITE (like...
Awe, what a heartfelt post and picture! I think I need to do more cuddle time with Jaks when he is settled down. It has been a hard balance to...
Your reply just made me laugh and then cry... which felt good!! It is exactly how I am feeling but I really want to power through and not get this...
Oh boy .. something to look forward to!! It amazes me that these little monsters turn out to be such wonderful/loving dogs.
Hello! I most certainly am grateful for all the wonderful replies. I am sure time will make it get better, at least I am praying that it does....
Thank you for the support and kind words! I am smart and accomplished in my career and cannot believe this little ball of fur is getting the best...
T Thank you so much for your reply. He will be 12 weeks old this sunday. He was just under 7 weeks when we got him, which we were not aware...
Thank you very much for the very thoughtful response, just knowing I am not alone is helping. I am home now, happily came home to no accidents...
Thank you so much, it is nice to know I am not alone.
Thank you so very much! It did help to get it down on paper and I so appreciate your insight! I have good and bad days/moments. I think if I...
Just reading through your post about the crate training. We are going through the same issue now. He will sleep in a soft sided crate next to...
Hi all... I feel like I can express my feelings of anxiety about our puppy here and welcome any thoughts of advice...sorry for the long post. It...
He does seem to prefer lying on the floor to a bed or carpet. We have moved the big crate upstairs to start trying to get him used to it for at...