Bruce is now 15 months and weighed in this morning at 36.7 kg's. Up from 34 kilos at 9 months.
Hi all, Bruce is now 23 kilos at 26 weeks. We only know this as he keeps having to go to the vet with what we think is some sort of allergy. Poor...
Hi all, Bruce is now 22 kilos at 25 weeks.
Bruce is now 19.5kgs at 22 weeks.
Bruce is now 17.8 kilos at 21 weeks. Right on the money according to the vet :).
Hi all, update time. We moved Brucie's crate into the kitchen on Wednesday night and got him a new adult sized bed to give him a choice of...
Hi all. Bruce is 20 weeks old now and has been brilliant from day three of being in a crate downstairs at night. He's woken us once in 12 weeks...
We got Bruce at 8 weeks and he spent the first two nights in his crate in our bedroom. He cried for about five minutes every 90 mins or so, but we...
[IMG] Bruce here (pictured here at 10 weeks) was 5.5kg's at 8 weeks, 9kg's at 12 weeks, 11.5kg's at 14 weeks and 14.5kg's at nearly 17 weeks.
Thank you all, yes he's a good looking chap :). That was taken about four weeks ago at 10 weeks, so he's quite a bit bigger now. We upped his...
Ok, it seems that whatever works for your dog is fine. Every dog is different I suppose..
[IMG] Thanks Snowbunny- here's Bruce :)
[IMG] [\IMG]
Hello everyone, we got Bruce (named after a really funny and informative guide we met on a recent Grand Canyon tour) from North Wales early in...