Beebe is only crated for "settle times" and when we are feeding my son in his feeder chair. Beebe loves to sleep with us. She asks to come up...
OH MY !! And to think; the breeder I choose is a very reputable breeder known for temperments and good dogs, calm. In fact many are used for...
Hi Julie; I do and don't understand the thinking of the food. And that is why I am asking; because there is so much experience with everyone...
Beebe is 16 weeks and 4 days. She weighs in at 25.4 # (11.5 Kg). English lab.
Hello; It has been awhile since I have been on. My mother recently passed away and Beebe has kept us busy with typical lab puppy behavior. We...
Tiring each day; I think I tell my husband every day, "this is so hard, I feel like I am neglecting my son's care to care for Beebe." I feel...
I mentioned to my husband; I may be seeing a pattern with tired and need to assess for pain or urination needs. I noticed last evening x2 that...
Our goal with Beebe is Therapy Certification and find a trainer who can certify for Service Tasks for our son, Riley. We were on a wait list for...
Thank you all who sent me your advice, support and stories. I no longer feel alone. You guys are awesome and I am grateful to have you all as...
Gosh, I am so grateful for your reply. EVERYONES REPLY's have helped Beebe and me. AND my son; and husband. What kind of chicken wings???? !!!...
Yes, Grance; the look in her eyes....I see it and it starts like a firecracker, instant and intense. THANKS for your support ! I greatly...
THANK YOU !!!!! :cool:
THANK YOU Molly for your words. I feel a weight off my shoulders and less of what the hell did I do. We left a trainer that is rough, rude, pops...
I just said to my brother, I Need a drink and I am not a drinker
I greatly appreciate your words of wisdom and help !
I hope so! It is hard to bond and love them with such intense attacks. Will work on different exercising and the crate training. I am glad I am...