@Emily_BabbelHund many thanks , your lengthy and great explanation - Pepper in the moment is 13mths old, she normally handles changes quite well...
Sorry, but need to get some more Information - We coming closer to make the call about to relocate our Pepper to Singapore , but we might...
Hello, I made a big mistake I think.. My wife who lives in Poland and I bought our Pepper (now 8 mths) and she is in the moment with my wife in...
Sorry but first time we have a Lady.. What are the symptoms of the first heat ? Brown Spots? And can't hold poo, becoming little edgy and want to...
Hello, something very strange recently happens, Pepepr (7 month) is been taken out every night before bedtime (11pm) and since a few days she...
Pepper is now 5 months all and experienced a lot and she is a real cool puppy, and a delight but, there is one issue - and that's very strange we...
Sorry me again, But I love this forum it's so useful and most of you give really good answers and helps me to understand our pepper better and...
Dear julie , Thank you for the advise , ok I will follow that, while I written it out pepper decided herself to have a rest and her heart was...
our pepper is going to socialise this weekend with another puppy same age do we need to restrict them for running around in the garden or on the...
I am surprised if you google Harness how much Info you become it's overwhelming, but I am still confused a lot of people (inc. breeders) says they...
We bought , sisal carpets from Ikea they are relative cheap and once the pup is older and destroyed them dont hurt to give them away
Ropes, usually do the trick - or this big large , latex pigs, or chicken - as mentioned easy to get on amazon .. or if you wane make it simple a...
thanks, very much that's good to know. But anyone made the poo experience in the puppies own create ? thanks philipp
Hi got 2 questions, our pepper was doing well , when she need it to go she made noise we took her outside the create and all good. So now we...
Dear Stryker, many thanks for your message really appreciated.! We will follow your advice, but we certain she catched it at the breeders, and we...
In case someone would like to have an update, our Pepper has now had, her last poo samples - and their no signs of any CPV - Virus and all is...
Thank you all your messages, she got 4 days of a serum which is not cheap but apparently one of the newest on the market and she seems much better...
Thanks Karen , indeed looks not like the best breeder just found out from the vet she is infected with CPV virus, can only hope! as she seems...
Hello, Our other puppy is 9 weeks old, and we got her last Tuesday from the Breeder, the first 2 days (apart of the usual crying at night ) she...
Hello, I urgently have to go away for 2 days , is it ok to leave my 12 week old puppy with our son (we picked her up last week) , she obviously...