Hello, 5 months old royal canin feed from 8 weeks very light exercise,I'm a bit concerned anyone had any experience with easty westy feet,hes...
Re: moments to be proud of! Thank you for all the comments, it all started with some books I got from Pippa Mattison which I am starting to read...
Thought id give an update on my progress with Hazel and Miller(http://www.thelabradorforum.com/index.php?topic=2588.0). We've done 7 working tests...
Re: new puppy unsure on his feet! I have spoken to the vets and I am seeing them next week!Finley has been eating and drinking, mainly sleeping...
Hello everyone, please can I ask for some advice I have just got another lab pup, 12 weeks old that seems unsure on his back legs, had pups before...
Re: hello again its been a while well another couple of days of light training for both dogs and all I can say is I am well proud of my dogs,...
Re: hello again its been a while Another day another issue, while training Hazel today (which went very well to begin with) she started to lose...
Re: hello again its been a while Just one other thing I would like to improve on his marks what is the best way to try and improve this?is it...
Re: hello again its been a while I welcome any comments on the things I try, i try to keep notes of the things that seem to work for my dogs. I...
Re: hello again its been a while Todays picture [IMG] Decided to try and make things a bit harder today did the usual left/rights and backs,...
Re: hello again its been a while many thanks for that I did think it was a bit odd when I was told she was hunting to soon as she always gets...
Re: hello again its been a while I'm also not clear on this point. Are you blowing the stop whistle and she carries on hunting? Ok if I send...
Re: hello again its been a while I walk the dogs to heel until I tell them to 'go wees', then, as I walk along I try and drop 3 dummies without...
Re: hello again its been a while I always try and do seens,long memories which is hazels strong point and blinds into woodland or hedges,I am...
Re: hello again its been a while No I have never tried clicker training but it is something I am willing to try,I have just got back with...
Re: hello again its been a while Today's picture feeding the doves. [IMG] golden
Re: hello again its been a while Thanks for all the comments, these are some of the problems I need to work on: hazels heel work she likes to be...
Good morning, its been a while since I have been on this forum so thought I would give you an update this was when I first got Hazel...
Re: just picked up are new puppy! need some advice please i have finished her kennel,we plan planned to use it during the day when we are at work...
Re: just picked up are new puppy! here is a picture of (from left) Hazel, Maggie (mum), Willy (Dad) and Ollie. Amazing how Hazel acts so calm...