Going for a walk with my 5 month old puppy is such an expedition with all the things we bring.... Harness and collar and a lead and a long line...
2 weeks left for us as well and I have signed up for next course. Only the trainer knows! Unless they are reading this forum .......
I am so happy to read about your experiences of puppies at training because its is just the same for us. Mine is 5 months and we have been going...
Hi Mine is 20 weeks today and the very excited, jumping, nipping, barking puppy is just what we are going through as well. What I find difficult...
My 19 week old puppy is the same, he loves plastic bottles! Sometimes I take the lid away and put a few treats in a 2 liter plastic bottle and it...
Thanks for your reassuring replies! I think I shall stop thinking about it so much and just enjoy spending time with him as I am fortunate enough...
Thank you for all your ideas! The video of Luna is great, I shall have a go myself doing it in small stages.
Hi I find it a real struggle to keep my pup still enough to clip his claws safely. I have tried giving him something to chew on but he ends up...
I have a 15 week old puppy. I feed him, train him, play with him, cuddle him, take him out, basically everything. I am with him most of the day....