I think you may be mistaken... :D
This could be Rocket, though to be honest 20 seconds is a little slow. [img]
Re: Boarding kennels near Winchester? Rocket goes back to the breeder we got her from. Though as well as being a breeder she runs a kennel too....
Re: The Oatmeal I know that one SO well.
Be warned, if you are offended by swearing then you should probably not click on this, but this sums up dogs perfectly for me....
Re: Nice Article by Ben Fogle - Warning you need a pack of tissues handy Lovely article, very sad though. :'(
Re: The Book Thief - Markus Zusak I'll check it out. Thanks!
Re: Unadulerated greed ! Rocket once managed to get a whole bucket full of frozen bags of tripe (tripe-cicles) that were supposed to be on their...
Re: Fair weather dog walkers Ah yes, the old he-understands-everything-I-say-and-he's-normally-so-well-behaved-I-don't...
Re: Service dog to take care of little girl Good grief do you ever sleep?
Re: hello From maximo Hi Maximo, welcome to the forums.
Re: Labrador attacked in Hartlepool That's shocking, especially as I have family in Hartlepool and my 3 year old often goes out with them to help...
Re: Hello Hi Jules.
Re: Another great reason to get a labrador... Rocket has helped me meet all sorts of people. Neighbours when I'm apologising for her being in...
Re: Is it normal please I've no idea if that is normal for a lab, but it sounds like my perfect day!
Re: Little Monkey ! That's a lab for you, using every ounce of their quite considerable intellect to get just a tiny bit more food.
Re: First swim this morning ! Sometimes Rocket throws herself in with abandon and sometimes she won't go near the water despite loud and very...
Re: Sam with his rosette today That is a brilliant photo! He looks so proud.
Re: You know you're a labrador owner when... You know you're a labrador owner when you find yourself stood in the middle of the kitchen of your...
Re: The Culture Clash I loved this book. Very helpful indeed.