Hi, Yes the vet look into her ear canals and they are clean showing no signs of yeast inside. Only some in the outer part of the ear, which is...
Hi Lisa! The wipes are helping with her chewing her paws, finally showing some relief! The vet said it is a yeast build up and not much can be...
Thought I would post an update on Monah. My husband took her to the vet today for her annual checkup along with her paw chewing etc. and the vet...
Hi Hannah, hope Champ is doing better. I wanted to let you know that my husband took Monah to the vet today for her annual checkup along with her...
It's so frustrating to see them chew because they are obviously in pain. Monah is doing better over the last few days. I have been washing them...
Calgary, Alberta Canada
Thanks, we love the name too! Moose is her nickname- comes to both! Thanks for the info! She is around a lot of different things as we are...
Hello, Normally she is walked in the same area. But this happens in the winter time also, so I'm beginning to think it could be something inside...
See, that's why I signed up for this forum! To get advice from all people with labs! Reading all these google searches is not the best. Just...
Hi Hannah, My lab has the exact same issues. It's very hard to deal with somedays to see her in, what I think is pain. She is 8 and it has been...
Good to know I am not alone. It's been really hard lately to watch her be in so much pain. I have been starting todo a foot soak the last few...
Her name is Monah. Monah Moose
I have an 8 year old Chocolate lab that chews and licks her paws, to the point they are raw and red inside. This has been going on for years, and...