We’ll I’ll keep up with the Epsom salt soak then until we make it to the vet. The soonest appointment they had was Sunday.
Has anyone delt with Interdigital Furunculosis? I noticed some swelling/redness on Larks front right toe a few days ago and it seems swolen and is...
She knows "go to your bed" (our version of settle) and usually does it without problems. But when she does it now she will go, and then get up...
Larks (13 months) is driving me absolutely CRAZY with whining. Let me start by saying she gets plenty of attention and excersize. 2, 30-40 minute...
I was so afraid my pup would ruin something when we left her outside that crate but she had done beautifully. I always shut the restroom door...
Thanks everyone! I'm probably overthinking it and don't need to lift her into the boat but better safe than sorry!
We are spending a weekend at the river next weekend and I'm wondering if anyone has used a harness with a back handle for lifting thier dog into a...
She is spayed already but I will watch for signs of a UTI.
She hasn't been swimming today, but we did have her little pool set up so maybe she drank more water than I realized. Good to know she's not the...
Has anyone ever experienced a dog peeing in their sleep? Larks is 1 year old and after playing this morning she fell asleep on the couch and I sat...
So true! I was nervous that she wouldn't even want to go out to take a walk the next morning but she acted compleatly normal and like nothing had...
The rules about this are absolutely ridiculous I agree. We are able to quarantine Larks on our property but she isn't supposed to leave the...
So we just got a visit from our neighbors. The dog that attacked Larks also attacked their dog causing over $1000 in vet bills but they couldn't...
Aww, your poor girl! I feel the same way, my dog is so sweet and good natured I'm praying that this won't affect her attitude towards other dogs...
I'm planning to get some spray shield. Has anyone here used that before? I like to have my hands free and would prefer not to have to carry a...
Apperently they changed the rules this year in our state where the victim is quarrantiened and not the attacking dog.
We made a report and had an Animal Control Officer visit the family. They explained that they could only make sure the dog was up to date on all...
Thankfully her injuries are just a few puncture wounds and some severe bruising. The vet sent us home with salve and pain medication. We took it...
While walking my dog in our neighborhood last night she was attacked by another dog. My dog was on leash. The first thing I heard was the other...
Hello all! After a failed recall yesterday I have purchased the total recall book and am excied to start it. Just wondered if you all have any...