Thank you for the advice. I bought a clicker and training treats today and plan to do those with her when I have free time. This is the advice I...
If you all would actually read the post I made instead of attacking me for no apparent reason then you would have known that this isn't a...
I'm very glad that you have the time to get all of those things done in a day! I simply came to this forum asking for advice, which is what it is...
Thanks for all of the feedback! I work and am in college so it's hard some days to find time to take her to the park or to take her on a long...
Piper is 11 months old and has always been mischievous and has always tested my patience. (After doing a lot of research on here I figured out...
Yes, that's what they are called. I just always use the simpler terms for them, haha.
I first got Piper almost 2 months ago. When I first got her she had both rice worms and spaghetti worms. The shelter that I rescued her from...
Thank you for your feedback! Piper hasn't really been trained yet. We have been so focused potty training that is all we've had time for since we...
Thank you for the tips! Honestly, no I haven't really began training her yet. When I got her she was already trained to sit, but my boyfriend and...
Thank you so much for your tips and feedback! Yes, so does have a crate. I have thought about doing this, and have tried to but the whole time...
Piper is 6 months old. We have only had her for about 2 months, and we are having a hard time getting her to listen. She does not listen at all...
Unfortunately Piper has demodectic mange, but the vet said we caught it pretty early. She is on some antibiotics and a new, less harsh treatment...
Yes I adopted her a few weeks ago and she had been in bad shape when the shelter got her. She had scratched portions of her fur off from having so...
She has an appointment tomorrow. She hasn't been acting any different, but I'm sure she is uncomfortable.
[IMG] [IMG] [IMG] I finally got the pictures to work. Allergies or mange? I can't get her to the vet for a few more days, but if anyone seems to...
Thank you. I'll try that. Yes she has been chewing and licking at her feet.
The pictures won't work. I can't figure out how to upload them. Apologies
[IMG] [IMG] [IMG] These are pictures of Piper's paws. She has scabs and marks on her paws along with what looks like hair loss and red,...
She scratches a little also, but nothing abnormal or serious that comes along with mange. She has developed two small white scabbish looking spots...
I have a 5 month old puppy that has red spots on her belly and in her armpits. She also has bumps filled with green pus on her belly. I have been...