I will read up thank you. My get was closed and I was trying to avoid calling the hospital since they always make you go in. She became her normal...
My Aileron can not use a back harness, it makes her pull even stronger. I resorted to buying a metal chain leash. After about two attempts at...
Aileron received her 14 month old shots today. Ever since she's acting tired and bored and just started moaning. But not a yelp moan just a cranky...
Hi Aileron is 14 months old. I've never had a dog before so I need a bit of help. Over the last two weeks she seems to just put herself into her...
Aileron 1st gives a gentle tap of her paw, of you wait to long she wollops so hard you can't refuse.
She is 7 months. Her birthday is the 10th.
When Aileron wants to go out she first lays her paw on us gently if after a bit she will whack us a bit to let us know she is serious. Well...