But it's just excitement, right? Because for right now that's what Winnie is. Very excited. When we go to group training class she wiggles in and...
That's funny you say that. Winnie passes people fairly well UNLESS they talk to me or her. Then the wiggles and barking starts. I used her head...
So how do you suggest that I video her behavior for others to see? I want people to see it because my first trainer assumed she was fear-reactive...
Oh it's definitely due to fragile skin. There wasn't as much blood as it looked like there should be based on the injury. But my legs and arms are...
Thank you so much. My biggest fear this entire time is failing her. I cried every day the first two months I had her (tearing up a little now)....
No clue why she's so excited. Grandma has never petted her because she can't get near her. Winnie was off leash when my grandma first met her and...
I know she needs distance. We've been doing LAT for nearly five months under the direction of CPDT. I never said I was setting her up for success...
I told my mom (a psychologist) last night - Winnie has no consequences. And that bothers me. I'm a therapist and modify behaviors in children. I...
For those interested I video'd Winnie's reaction to my grandma. I pushed her past threshold so I could show others. This is what her typical...
This will likely be long but I want to provide as much information as possible. I have an 80 pound, 13 month old lab/mastiff puppy named Winnie....