Hi. I have a 14 month old black bitch, Beetle. She is very lively and seems extremely healthy. However, I have just noticed tiny black spots...
Hi - my pup Beetle is just over 4 months old and I've noticed one of her upper canines is greyish/ black - is this normal and all part of the...
Thanks for your comments everyone - you've put my mind at rest!
Yes she is stretching, but then the back legs give way after the stretch. She puts them right straight away though.
Hi there. My pup Beetle is now 16 weeks old and getting bigger. She looks healthy and runs around as normal, plays, runs up to people, chases the...
Thanks Everyone re the advice. I just wonder whether the constant picking up and carrying is doing more harm than the steps, but maybe not.
Thanks Julie. I'll carry her over the next 10 days. Happy Christmas.
HI there, I have a new pup, Beetle, now 11 weeks old. When she goes out I have to carry her up and down my garden steps - and this happens a lot....