So lately my 7 month old has been picking up her water bowl when I am not around. all the water dumps out and she starts to play with the bowl....
I am driving my self crazy trying to play with my 11 week puppy. I try and play with her after work but I just can't do anything to keep her...
She is 10 weeks today. I have read a lot of those articles and tried the suggestions. No Crying just barking. She gets the Kong likes the food...
So it has been about 6 days now with my puppy, we spent friday-sunday hanging out at the house getting her used to the new environment and playing...
Thanks for the replies, i know things will get better its just frustrating trying to figure out how long to really leave her while she barks and...
She is so cute. It appears you are a day ahead of me. I got home with Maddie yesterday. She didn't sleep the whole night either. I ignored the...
looks like i figured it out
I was trying to post a picture but cannot figure it out. I try pasting a link in the image to photobucket but doesn't seem to work. Is there a...
Morning Everyone, Today is the second day and I am trying to keep her on schedule for the week and normal activities. When I put her in the...
Hi everyone. Today I brought my 8 week old yellow lab home. She is currently laying next to me on the ground napping adjusting fairly well to her...
Gretta - I Live in New England and although we dont have as much snow as you currently I am in a similar boat. I will be getting my puppy on the...
Thanks for the responses. I assumed it would be best to skip but also want to take advantage of socialization opportunities when I have them....
I am picking up my puppy on Jan 20th and have been doing a lot of reading and checking out the forums but cannot find the answer for my question....