Thanks all for the advice. You have given us some good ideas.
We give Zeus Benadryl on occasion in a piede of liverwurst which he takes with no problem. He has to take an antibiotic for an ear infection....
10 pounds of what? :D
My experience with labs has been over 50 years as hunters and pets. Now we are in our 70's and find ourselves with a husky 90# male English style....
Sorrry, I am not very good at those "use a host for your photos such as Flikr or Imgur and post a link"things. The photo that did not post was of...
[IMG] Now we have to teach "Fluffy" to hunt mice
Zeus is a 3 yr. old who likes to go through the motions of making a nest ..... on beds, the couch and on his bare dog bed. Seems compulsive. It is...