Hi all. First off, thank you all for your advice with James' dreaded dew claw incident. I'm pleased to say that he's perked up loads and the...
So, you know how he wasn't eating his food. Well, tonight he ate scrambled egg whilst I was at work and when I got back, I fed him his kibble out...
Thanks guys. Just wanted to double check. I really appreciate the help. Hate seeing him like this. He's just dead sulky around the house. When we...
Also, he's not eating his normal kibble (I think because he's in pain) but he's all over boiled chicken. Should I just give him whatever he wants...
[IMG] This is what we're looking like today. Should I be happy or worried with that? Right next to my finger there seems to be a bit of nail...
He seems okay. Not eating his food straight up but eating it after a bit of pretending like he doesn't want it. He's had his chew all day though...
My OH said he looks like he needs a long and muddy walk so when he hopped in there, I just let him get on with it. He was so so so so happy.
[IMG] It was this mud
I'll give that a go when I get my car back from the garage tomorrow. Oh, the other thing, he really really stinks after that mud bath he had....
I wrapped it up and he started limping so I've taken the bandage off and he's walking fine. He let me squeeze it before you told me what it was...
Also, why has he done this? We had to give up the cat the other day and he hasn't seemed like himself since
Thank you. I had no idea how to do it. Today he's been rolling in mud. Lots and lots of mud!!!! I'd show you but I have no idea how. Should I...
help. What's happened? I trimmed his dew claw a couple of weeks back but I just noticed this https://imgur.com/gallery/lcyey [IMG]
Haha! That makes me feel loads better. He's a silly boy. Very clever but very silly. My partner thinks he does it because he knows it made me...
So, weird one. My lab always wants to play ball. When everybody is relaxed on the sofa and there's nothing going on, he almost always comes to me...
Sounds very similar to our James but he doesn't do it when he's near us, just when he's upstairs on our bed on his own. It doesn't annoy anybody,...
Hi all. Sorry for the late reply. So, we went to the vet and he just had a temperature so he's on paracetamol and some antacids (I think that's...
He's feared of nothing. I think he's pretty sure that everybody and everything (except for the cat) is his best friend. Looks like a trip to the...