Thanks everyone, very reassuring. She's definitely disorientated. All the points about crates are interesting too, I can see how it would make...
Hi everyone, Maisie had spay op today and is thoroughly miserable. She doesn't seem to be in pain - isn't whining or whimpering but she's just...
Yes I'm sure you're right. :)
Hi I have what I'm sure is a very basic question - our 9 month old lab has had her first season and so we're obviously keeping her away from...
We're experiencing exactly the same issue with Maisie (now 8 months). We have a perfect fit harness which she used to be fine with and then all of...
Thanks @AlphaDog - sorry what do you mean by "a tag"?
This is 100% Maisie! :)
Ah yes I think you're right. She's particularly difficult in town because she's just not used to it (we live rurally) so we're trying to make it a...
Good advice thank you :)
At the risk of sounding like an idiot... In terms of training - whether to not jump up, to sit, to leave, to come back - there are so many things...
Yes this! definitely this. Doesn't help when the in-laws apparently (although I haven't yet met in person) have a saintly dog ;)
thank you @kateincornwall and @Harley Quinn - such a good sanity check :)
Hi Maisie was 6 months old yesterday and I'm interested in people's thoughts on how we're doing with her and what kinds of milestones/routines...
thanks both - we will give it a go :-)
hi everyone, we're due to go to the Lake District for a week at Easter at which point Maisie will be 5.5 months old. I'm now panicking that it'll...
Could I ask for some advice - our 5 month old lab is about 70% reliable on verbal command to recall unless she has found something dead to eat...
Yes lots of fuss and lots of treats.
hi again, so we got the outside pen set up and have been putting her in it, not making eye contact, making it boring etc. Unfortunately we've not...
The pen sounds like a great idea, because that's exactly what we're doing now (waiting around, only to have her wee in the house). And thanks...
This is all so useful, many thanks She is particularly timid so we definitely need to be mindful of that with everything. The reason for...