Consider this scenario...... A Mother dog with her puppies. The puppies chew and bite and climb on each other. What would Mom do if a pup bit...
That analogy is ridiculous. We train first with no punishment whatsover. The dog needs to be clearly shown what you are asking for first. It is...
Thank you, Pippa, for the excellent explanation. My main question was in regards to the bonding... time spent away and others experiences. I do...
I am not pro-force fetch. I am on the fence and trying to learn about it. I do know the methods indicated above are very outdated and I would...
At 6 months the main focus is finding birds in the upland. Chukars and pheasants, some dogs point and others flush. The exposure to birds, day...
I've always been in the same camp as you guys, same exact thoughts. However, my thoughts are changing a little bit. Big reason is I have two...
I'm debating about sending Macy back to her breeder for training. It's a 3 month program for gun dogs, with emphasis on bird work and more...
Radio is a good idea. You could also try a hot-water bottle wrapped up or a heating disc to snuggle up to. Try not to reinforce the crying by...
Her vulva is normal. She doesn't even have any discharge or any noticeable signs except she has (or had) frequent urination. This seems to have...
Vet says my puppy has slight vaginitis and should wait to spay until after her first heat cycle. Does anyone have experience with this?
I've had two yellow labs and both the skin on stomach changes color over time.
Thanks for all the input - very very helpful. I've done a bit of reading and it sounds like there is a difference between excited peeing and...
She's now about 4 months old and still pees herself. In fact, she does this even for me sometimes when I get home from work. I can't tell if...
Thanks all. I have read the links and will strongly consider ordering one of those books. My son is a very rough-house type of kid. He loves...
I just went through a similar phase with Macy. Mine was more in the 8-10 week range but we still take her out about every 1/2 hour while she is...
Ok, this is really starting to get under my skin. I knew it would be hard, but how do you guys do it?? Here's my problem: Almost anytime my 5...
Hi All, Macy is 3 months old and pees from excitement when company comes to our house. She does this even if she just relieved herself minutes...
Little monkey indeed! She does swallow the rocks. I have seen a number of them in her poo, a few were larger than I am comfortable with. I've...
Our 11 week old pup has always enjoyed eating a mouthful of wood chips and bark. I never thought too much of it.... but now she is eating small...
Macy's now 10 weeks old. She was on antibiotics and the prescription food for 10 days, during which the frequent urination decreased. The problem...