the barking thing is annoying.he is fairly silent too but god help our guests :/
he also started peeing inside again.He CAN hold it but it's as though he has forgotten.
Hi.first and foremost i know puppies hump for a number of reasons.mine did it since he was 7 weeks old.and he is 4 month old which means he's...
probably :D OK thank you everyone.I'll see what i can do with that.He is getting heavy already.My arm hurts.
No not is the same day.Just saying he hates them all
Hi my puppy is a husky.I don't use a shampoo (only once a month or so) but i have to wash his paws and belly because he looooves to dig and sit on...
My puppy hates showering and bathing and getting blow dried and getting his nails clipped.He goes crazy every time i wash him.He barks and howls...
Oh ok:) yes he is hungry cause he follows me into the kitchen looking at my hand sits looking at me like plzz give me sth tasty or sniffs the...
the vet did not mention worming him.I'm not sure what that is.i gave him the pill the antiparasitic pill last night but he threw up a few our...
Oh god yes.Even his vet is puzzled.the thing is he is also hungry all the time.I'm not sure what to do.he does like it better when i hand feed him...
thank you yes this forum has very good's details that worry me puppy does bark :D i want it to stop because consistent barking...
thank you so much.especially for the biting bit.i hope he stops at 4 months.i don't want my mom's phobia to get worse by injuries caused by my...
i have changed my thinking to's all very good to be responsible but he is easily bored.with,toys,sleeping area,treats.i...
I'll try to get it that way thank you.Yes i am able to access Youtube and such.with a vpn of course
You maybe right but he is a very smart puppy.when he is not stressed he lets us know and waits to get outside to do his work.once when he was in...
t Thank you but it costs wayyy too much to get the book here.I live in Iran.for us it's like buying a 200$ book
i think maybe this was the case: Stress Marking. In some cases, dogs urine mark when they are stressed. In these cases, the marking is used to...
thank you so much Karen.i can't give him meat yet.for a few days.he loves any kind of meat but if i give it to him without mixing it he will not...
hi everyone.i live in a country with no breeding laws and no training or obedience classes and no one to seek guidance from and i have one ball of...