My 5 mth pulls so hard and the trainer said my harness was too plush. She said the ones with ring on chest would discourage pulling. I have not...
Naya how.long until your dog stopped biting. Autumn bites me the most admin the one who cares for her the most
I agree with all you said. I can get near Autumn when she eats I have sat next to her. I have taken food out of her dish and fed her. I have put...
Cat stays away from her and does not eat her food. But even if she is anywhere close
I have tried so many toys as distraction. Wish I could just find the one to divert her to that and not me.
How do you teach in a positive way when Autumn is so possessive with her food. I have tried handling her food around her treats in bowll feeding...
ThAnk you for all your replys. I never saw the other puppies up for adoption on their Site. The foster mom for my puppy has been very kind and...
All I know is someone turned the puppies into animal control. Then the rescue adopted autumn from got them.yes same litter. I don't know about...
I just heard that 2 of my puppies litter mates were put down for aggressive behavior. I rescued Autumn at 3 mths and now she is 5 mths , i posted...
My puppy Autumn had a gated area that she started climbing over and she got her foot stuck. So I had to get a crate. I wish she would stay in a...
Thank you ... Thank you. At least I do not feel alone and that know that their is an end in site. As she is tethered to me now biting the...
5 months 34 pounds
When when do they improve. I need a good training method that works. I feel like all I do does not work. Is their a book. Is their a method. I...
My 5 mt old lab will not stop biting. I have tried ignoring moving away. Hiding in a closet. Reward when she sits on command. It just doesn't...