I don't see anything wrong when a dog gets to attach on a single person. You're the only one who loves to cuddle up with him, that only means that...
I will also go with option C, give up the pad and wait for him to get older. You can also try to train him to correct this behavior while he is...
Dog loves bones... its bring happiness for no apparent reason. They will keep on chewing it then afterward hide or bury it. There's something bone...
I would have to agree with what the members of this community have suggested, you should take a swimming class for you to overcome your fear of...
I am really delighted to hear that Monty gets to surpass the challenges that have come to his life. You are good owner/family to him the reason...
Your dog still looks so beautiful and healthy even though she’s 11 years old – you really did a job well done on taking good care of her. I wish...
Dog bite prevention begins at home no matter where that dog came from, we are responsible for correcting this bad behavior while they are young....
Hi everyone my name is Ally and I am currently here in Japan and feel like winter all year round. My baby and I just moved in here last month,...