Mine will drool a little bit sometimes while in her crate, it might be that.
Hi all, I'm all out of ideas and need some advice. My dog was housebroken when she was a puppy, and became pretty good about not going inside....
My dog tends to love rawhide chews and in my experiance they tend to last her longer than most other food ones. Since it's food, we usually take...
Thanks for the advice everyone. As an update, she ate ravenously after missing a couple meals, and has been hit or miss on meals since then (but...
Ya it's the same kibble she's been eating for a long time now (6 months). And she's been fairly picky since we got her, causing us to try and...
Hi all, so my lab mix is a picky eater and we are going to try and get out of the "giver her better and better food/treats" game to coax her into...
Thanks for the tough everyone, I'll talk to the vet about it soon. She seems completely normal otherwise so it may just be a new mannerism...
To answer the above questions. She is eating her food, but she's never really been one of those dogs that eats anything in front of her. Since...
Hi all, My 8 month old Snuffles recently started Growling at her food dish when we give it to her. She also barks at it and whines a little bit...
We were in a similar situation, no fence, in upstate New York in black bear/coyote/porcupine/skunk country (countryside northwest of Albany)....
Thanks for the advice, I hope she grows out of it, but sounds like no more leaving things on counters for a while
My Snuffles has had a lot of severe car sickness/anxiety problems including tons of drooling and throwing up after only a few minutes. So we ended...
In my experience, I just took my pup out frequently, she never had a good sign and we had a lot of accidents, but as time went on she figured out...
Hi all, My puppy is 8 months old now and she's been pretty good with most things. She walks reasonably on a leash, follows cues reasonably, and...
You may be able to find someone to take them for the week by searching online for a website that that connects dog owners to people who will...
In my experience you can frequently hear the difference as well as just the body language. It's hard for me to explain but in the dog fights I've...
Two parts, First off, to answer the OP question, my pup would (and still does) go outside on a nice day and plop down in the grass. When she was...
Thanks everyone, it sounds like I was unnecessarily worried. The vet tec we saw today to give her a vaccine said her incision was healing very...
I got one with a retractable bristles (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00DMRF86E/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o04_s01?ie=UTF8&th=1). Snuffles was...
Hi all, MY pup Snuffles was spayed a little less than a week ago at the shelter we got her from. Her incision is small and they used the...