I have a nice big Cushion for him once he stops the destroying bit ... I bet he will still go under the table .
Palace has always loved under the table ... even when he had a Bed he still went under the table he takes his toys under there too .
Its funny to read yet I wanna Cry LOL ... Palace is now a year old ... he now does not have a bed , the 4 I got for him over the year he has...
My new Puppy does it , it can hurt too . He does not do it as much now with me , as I will just walk away . When my older sons come he is all over...
Thinking of you ... :( Great Photo's...
Max was the most kind and gentle dog ever , he was more for me watched every move I made following me everywhere ! From 7 weeks to 14 years old he...
Thank you all for the lovely welcome ! At 1st Palace seemed a really odd name , but funny enough I love it now ...
This may help ... [img]IMG_4540 by Penny B, on Flickr
Thank you for the nice welcome , yes Max is missed so much ! We have named our new puppy ' Palace ' as we are ( Crystal Palace Fans ) Maybe I...
We got Max at around 7 weeks old ... [img]4 by Penny B, on Flickr
Max was a Pleasure to have for 14 years ! We all Miss him so Much ! [img]17 by Penny B, on Flickr
Hello , My name is Penny , thank you for letting me join . In April I had to have my Black Labrador ~ Max ~ put to sleep , we had him since he...