Hi Everyone. I wanted to provide an update on Kiera. She is now 10 months old, and we just took her to the vet this morning for x-rays because we...
I'm glad I can now laugh at her wiggle walk without feeling guilty!
25 weeks and 46.6 lbs (21.1 kg)
As first time puppy owners, that it MUCH easier said than done!
Thanks for all of your responses! So the vet says he sees no sign of HD. He didn't suggest getting any x-rays done yet, because she isn't showing...
Quite a list! Fingers crossed that we won't have to worry about any of this. We currently have her playing with a couple of small adult dogs and...
I saw some of your old responses about your dog having HD and that he is three now. If you don't mind me asking, have you had to do anything...
Thank you! Everyone that has met her has fallen in love, unsurprisingly. :p
Thanks for your quick response! That does make me feel a bit better knowing most of her signs aren't uncommon. I'll definitely give an update once...
We adopted Kiera from the local SPCA when she was 4 months old. She is now 6 months old. We have always noticed that she walked with her hips...