Florence was 7 months when she started barking every night for 10-20 minutes when she was put in her crate and waking and barking every morning...
My Florence says “Florence” is a good name! :)
Socks and slippers in this house too - and Florence is not adverse to having a sneaky chew of either!
Hi, can't help I'm afraid, but just wanted to say you could have written your post about my Florence! She's 7 1/2 months old now and LOVES all...
Bless him! It looks like a great game :)
Fear not - Florence tries to eat the hoover nozzle (which she thinks is great fun) so doubt if she'd let me get close enough to hoover her anyway!...
Hello everyone from Florence and I and thank you for all your suggestions! I hadn't heard of the Shark vacuum cleaner so will look at that one as...
Hi, my six month old black lab, Florence, is systematically turning my beige carpet black! Despite my poor Dyson doing its best to hoover up all...