Ignore them! Brimley is the same way. When another dog or a new person comes over to him, he gets overexcited and jumps and romps around. I try...
Based on what you are describing, my dog Brimley has a few of these. Would you say it is a scabby bump on the skin? I actually took him to a...
Hello! Back in February, my pup, Brimley, started losing his fur on his sides back towards where his hips are. He was scratching and chewing a...
You must be his favorite playmate ;) Mine does the same thing. He comes after me more than anyone else. Brimley is training to be a service dog...
How long of a walk and how much play would you suggest at this age?
My 3-month old does this. When he wants to play he jumps at me if I am on the couch and then he bites me. When I tell him no, he gets an...
Having a puppy is like caring for a baby. I had no idea! Growing up, my family always had at least one dog at a time so I thought I knew what to...
The lab in your profile pic is gorgeous. It is Tatze or Mollie?
Thank you for the response! I have thought about creating a "time out" area to put him in. For now, I've just been leaving the room when he gets...
Thank you so much! I told my husband I should start charging each time people ask to pet him - we could easily pay for all of this treats, toys,...
Hi! Thank you so much for the advice. I will check out these links. I think that I first discovered this site when I was researching to find...
Hello! I have tried redirecting as well. It works most of the time, but I am worried that I am encouraging him by doing that. He bites me when...
Thank you for the response! I have put him in his crate a couple of times, but I stopped when I read somewhere not to use the crate for...
Hello! Thank you for this this site and this forum. I've visited both frequently since we brought out black lab, Brimley, home. He is 3 months old...