Thanks for your reply. I really appreciate you sharing your experience too. I haven’t heard of a flexi lead before so don’t use one. I use the...
Hi WillowA Sorry, I should have clarified when I first wrote the post - she has a ruff wear harness with the front and back D ring. We use a...
Hi all, I have a golden lab, who will be 2 years old next week. I continue to face difficulties with her pulling. She has her ups and downs when...
It was more convenience than anything but we were having the same discussion as to whether it is really necessary. We work full time but Bonnie...
Bonnie also has problems with rice so that does make it a little difficult when she has stomach problems. She's 10 months old so hoped she would...
Thanks for sharing your experience. That's really helpful. Going really slowly with it, sounds like it could be the best option
Hi all, We recently tried reducing our golden labs feeds from 3 to 2 and it doesn't seem to be agreeing with her. She has started having...
Hi Vicci, I agree a vet trip would be worthwhile to be on the safe side. We had similar problems with our pup when she was younger. It is really...
When we first got our golden pup, she had really runny stools and we were really worried. Like with your pup, we weren't convinced that there was...
Hi Lorraine My pup was like this and still has her moments. She is just over 8 months. Admittedly, my experience with lab pups is quite limited...
I can completely empathise with how you're feeling. A few months ago, I had sooo many times where I would get extremely upset because our pup...
Hi again, I thought I would give a few more details as to what seems to be happening on a daily basis. She stays with my mum and dad during the...
Hi all, I have seen some threads recently regarding older puppies biting and wondered if anyone had any suggestions for dealing with a 6 month...
Thanks Selina27 and everyone for your advice. I really appreciate it and its reassuring to be remined that it will pass. She's a lovely yellow pup...
Hi all, I have been reading a lot of posts on this forum since we got our puppy Bonnie and found the discussions and advice really helpful....