Thanks for your reply.
A little write-up of Sophie's retirement with the St John Ambulance Therapy Dog Program...
Sophie recovered well from her TPLO surgery back in 2021. Unfortunately April 2024 she started limping; her back hind leg; same problem. She's...
Haven't been here for a long time again. Sophie is doing very well; she turned 11 in January. She had knee surgery in Sept 2021 on her back left....
They're so cute; bet they get along really well. I/we really hope Sophie's other leg doesn't require the same surgery.
Sophie does have antler ears, but she prefers to wear a candy colored scarf with her Therapy Dog bandana Wow - poor Johnny having both legs...
It's been a while since posting on this Forum. Hope everyone is well during this challenging time with Covid. Sophie had knee (TPLO) surgery on...
It'll be so nice to visit the seniors and kids in September. Unfortunately, it'll be some time until we are given the okay to visit the seniors...
Sophie has been a Therapy Dog for 2 years. She is certified through the St John Ambulance Therapy Dog Program. She is also certified through SJA...
Re: Sophie Thanks for your post. Yes, we're both really proud of them. My husband was working with Sophie and I was working with Molly. Taking...
Re: Sophie So proud of Sophie; she came first in Intermediate Obedience and her little sister Molly came second in Basic. Karen :)
Re: Sophie Couple more pictures of Sophie with little Molly: [IMG] [IMG]
Happy 1st Birthday to my pretty girl "Sophie" Karen (Mom)
Re: Empty house It must have been a nice trip for you seeing friends and family. I like most dogs but Border Collies are too hyper for me; labs...
Re: SNOW It's funny you mentioned butt-tucking. My Sophie does it quite a a lot; it's hilarious. She does it sometimes when playing with Molly...
Re: Sophie Hope you and your Labs got spoiled at Christmas; Sophie sure did. I'm so happy as she has fully recovered from her bite punctures....
Re: Charlie photos Charlie's sure a handsome guy; very photogenic in the first picture. It must be nice having all that property for him to run...
Re: Sophie Sophie is doing just fine. Her bite is healing and she's not afraid of other dogs. I think the incident just shocked her more than...
Re: Sophie Sophie's puncture bite is not oozing anymore and is starting to close up. She had her last basic obedience class yesterday and came in...