Hi Sybil's Mum, Alex is doing much better now, thank you. He still poops a fair bit, but it's spread over the day now. I have put him on Skinners...
At first, I was like, no, but they tug at your heartstrings and then you say yes!
Aww, he is such a lovely pup! Reminds me of my Alex. Everything will work out great, after a day or two he will adore you. There will be a few...
Alex was on Eukanuba large breed puppy food, as this is what the breeder had him on. Unfortunately, he suffered terrible diarrhoea and smelly...
Hi Lozzz31, How would you describe the smell of Ziggy's breath? Because I've noticed my Alex has smelly breath, but his smells very strongly of...
Hi all, Today, my Alex was having a nap, when he started yapping in his sleep. I watched him from across the room when all of a sudden, he...
This sounds very similar to our incident with Alex. The other day my son shuffled the footstool and one of the legs unfortunately landed on Alex's...
Sunshineb75, I know how you feel! I'm having the same problem with my puppy Alex. For the past few days he has been pooping around five to six...
Hi Michelmouse, thank you, and your Bucky is absolutely gorgeous! He looks a little like my Alex with his colouring. Alex's bottom seems to have...
lol Samantha Jones! Alex has had a bit of diarrhoea this evening, I think it might be the puppy treats I've been giving him, plus I added a bit...
Thank you Granca, Wispa and Tuppence xxx
Thank you Oberon, :-) I do wish I could sort him out right away, it's scary thinking that we have to wait so long. I'm hoping in the meantime that...
Hi Oberon, yes his eyelashes are definitely touching, I took a picture of it so I can post it up if you like? He isn't rubbing them as much now...
Thank you Karen, I don't think the breeder was doing his job properly at all, he was on holiday when I picked my puppy up, so another person was...
Thank you Charlie, I hope so too :-)
Thank you so much Snowbunny :-) I tried to copy the BBCode but I'm using an iPad, and it won't let me copy the whole text for some reason, so...
Phantomous, could they be ticks? I had a cat once that had this, and it turned out to be a tick, so we gently removed it with a pair of tweezers.
Thank you Stacia, I know that the vets has a five star review so I'm confident in them, I just hope it doesn't come to that. The vet said it...
Thanks Plums mum :) This one is a pic of his face, you can sort of see them running poor thing. [img]Alex has poorly eyes by Kelly, on Flickr
[img]Alex is settling in his new home beautifully by Kelly, on Flickr This is a pic of him sleeping :) [img]Alex is settling in his new home...