She spends a few hours in her crate every day for obligatory naptime, the rest of the time she is with me playing with toys by herself, resting on...
Just curious about the amount of play I should be giving her every day. As it is right now I'm probably giving her roughly 30-45 minutes of 1 on 1...
I was having a really hard time a week ago. Crying every day, feeling suicidal, all because the weight of responsibility of taking care of a dog...
We feed Juno (14 weeks) at 8am and 8pm and haven't had any problems. Our breeder is the one who both recommended and started Juno on this routine,...
Well I guess making this thread jinxed it. Juno went almost five days with no accidents when last night, she made a biiiig poopy stinky mess all...
I'm curious when other peoples puppies stopped having regular accidents indoors. Juno is 14 weeks and has had a 3.5 day streak with no accidents...
Thank you for the advice; I have been feeding her meals in her crate, but have since made this thread started to give her a kong with some frozen...
Hello, never been here before and just joined, hoping to get a lot of mileage out of this community. You all seem great. I was hoping for some...