Oh bless, we started with anal gland issues just over a year ago, back and forth to vet to get them emptied every few months, upsetting for our...
Our max is and always has been very chilled, it was quite worrying to start with as a pup is supposed to be into everything and destroying your...
We let max off lead from day 1, they have an instinct to follow you, he never goes far and he is now 20 months, it took huge amount of courage on...
My local council has bought in a new rule, basically any intact male cannot be home boarded, he has been going to 1 home boarder since he was 12...
We visited our pup every week from 4 weeks old, until we picked him up at 9 weeks old, best thing ever, we have an amazing dog, as puppy never...
I have used nex guard specrta for my lab puppy at 6 months old, bought from the vet after a check up, and max went really quite strange, very...
Hello, looking for some advice with max who is almost 10 months old. We have off leaded him from day one as a pup and he is very good, stays close...
Took max to be weighed today and he is weighting in at 27kg at 8months old.
Lol Max has lost enough hair to make two other labs, no matter how many x I brush him and Hoover, I can still see it lying on the floor. After...
We had the same with max, but with no coat on, he walked on the lead in the house and the garden like a pro, the minute I stepped off the driveway...
Max does not know what it' is to be shouted at in anger, I think he would pee himself in shock ! We r just ignoring the behaviour, and when he...
The Following Articles: The Use of Punishment In Dog Training and The Use Of Reinforcement In Dog Training The past week or so, if I tell Max...
In have to say, this is the best peice of advice ive ever had... let the puppy off the lead. Pooping myself the 1st time, as i pictured£900 just...
Weighed max at the vet today, he is weighing 15.6kg at 18 weeks old, think he gonna be a big dog. He is going through a tall and lanky stage at...
Sounds like I could have written your post, we also feed arden grange to Max, and also stopped eating it for a bit, I mixed it with fish,...
Hello, we need to buy a new harness / collar for max, he has grown so much in 4 weeks his original harnesses is a struggle to get over his ears...
We have a calm pup. MAX is now 13 weeks old today, he is so chilled out and laid back (mostly) I keep thinking he is going to turn into a "normal"...
So we have had Max for 10 days now, and to be honest i feel this pup has been here before, he is amazing, and yes i kmow im temtpting fate by...
Max is weighing 8kg at 11 weeks.
Lol, I've tried uploading a photo but it keeps saying it's too large, will have yo get my Oh to do it for me.but then again trying to get one of...