Well today I did try soaking the food and cutting up the green beans and mixing this together. She ate just great!!! We also got in a walk this...
I will try that. I don't want her to be hungry, yet she needs to lose some weight. thanks again. stay safe pupymom
[IMG] I started her on this method. She ate the dog food and then picked out the green beans and spit them on the floor! I tried again this...
In your post you say you were giving (1.5cper day) Is this the total amount of food per day? then add the greens?
Oh thank you for responding. I will try this with her. She is such a sweet girl and I want her to be healthy and happy. I will continue posting...
Hello to everyone. Twosocks and I are doing well. Twosocks is three years old. she is at 76 lbs and I can't seem to find the food which will...
Twosocks is three years old. I walk her each morning . she get s 1 1/2 cups of royal cainin food morning and night. she weights 74lbs. she...
Hi Twosocks was small a 8 weeks, she has filled out nicely. she is now three years and my vet says she is overweight by a few pounds. the last...
I Your are right, she hasn't had much exercise. we have been in a stay at home for almost four months. she does like the tread mill, and I will...
HI, Twosocks has been on Fromm weight control food for several months, the vet thought she was over weight at 71lbs and three years old. I feel...
Hi, thanks I have done just this. I increased the exercise and I am looking for a walker at this time. I also looked into her food. Do you know...
Hi, my black lab will be 3 years old in March. she has been on Hills Science Diet for the last two months, she now weights 69lbs . The problem is...
I understand that in the UK prong collars are not as acceptable as in the US. I have changed her photo with the other collar which I do use. She...
I took her to a class when she was about a year and half. she was so out of control and I struggled even handling her. She still has times when...
Boy this was harder than I thought. this is twosocks, I finally got it fixed.
sorry the picture is sideways . this is the first picture I could ever get to load. I will keep working on it.
Thank You for the reply. Sorry I didn't see it until now. On Saturday I was playing outside in the backyard with her. I went to kick the ball ,...