My 10 month old lab use to love people. She has always been a scared dog of random things but never people. In the past month she has been very...
Hello! Our 6 month old puppy got spayed 2 days ago. The night she came home she was very sleepy and whiney which is expected. She went back to...
It seems like our puppy is going backwards. She is 11 weeks old. She has always had accidents in the house, but she use to go outside, go potty...
Our almost 11 week old puppy hates going on walks because she doesn't want to leave our yard. Has anyone else had this issue. I have only tried...
In his create are you limiting the space? Puppies don't like to pee or poop where they sleep. So if you limit their space that they can only turn...
Thanks for all the great advice. Our puppy's name is Reagan. I have never had an large inside dog and am just a little nervous :) I have been...
Tomorrow we get our new yellow lab puppy. This will be our first dog. She will be inside and 9 weeks tomorrow. Any advice to start off on the...