Hi My 4 month old puppy is getting increasingly fidgety. He is chewing anything and everything. He's been chewing tables & chairs, chewing off...
Hi Thank You for the responses. I am feeding him thrice a day. I have given him boiled meat occasionally. Otherwise I have also given him Milk,...
Hi there My puppy weighs 8 kgs at 15 weeks. Is this less?:(
Hi I am from Delhi, India. Where I live it is hot for about 7 months a year, very dusty and there are a few street dogs around. I have a four...
I am living in Delhi, India. My four month old puppy regularly does black stools. I have given him a praziquantel tablet as prescribed by the...
Hi I have been training my three month old puppy not to jump once he gets the food in his dish. I have also trained him to eat treats dropped in...
Hi I have a three month old labrador puppy. Whenever I am in the kitchen he invariably follows me and whenever I have to open the fridge door he...