Hi everyone its been a while since my last post. Penny is 22months now and she is as gorgeous as ever. I have really struggled with this pooch....
I have a large park outside my back garden so i always take her there to chuck her ball and let her get some exercise and its only for a short...
Hey everyone havent been on the forum for a wee while. Penny is now 15 months and is as much a ball of energy as ever. Couple of issues that i...
My beauty [ATTACH]
This was Penny on her first birthday. Getting to one year old must have been too much for her :D:inlove:[ATTACH]
My fur baby Penny is one year old today. Oh boy and what a year. Laughter and tears but couldnt imagine life without her :cake::heart:
How much cover is enough..is £3000 a year for treatment enough at this stage...the quotes go up and obviously the price..OMG its a minefield xx
Thanks. I havent claimed i just paid the bill. My fault but i felt overwhelmed and felt they made it hard to claim so i would change to someone...
Penny will be a year old next week and her insurance is coming to an end. I only took out a years insurance to start with. Any advice in the...
Thanks for replies..just finding it hard to believe she will stop..she will be 1yr old in two weeks. Maybe i just expected it to be better by...
I am at my wits end with this constant wanting to bite my hands ..clothes and feet. Penny has loads of toys and gets out and about to run energy...
:hug::heart: from Penny and me
Penny My ball of energy is now 11 months. I always bragged about how great she was at off lead and trotting home with no issues. Well well well...
Hope she feels better. Penny only lay down the day of the operation. From next day back to normal. She hasn't stopped galloping about and i...
Thankyou so much. I know through this forum i have great support. I still feel overwhelmed at times. Penny seems to focus on me more than...
Thanks and i am always very greatful for all the support. I am truely amazed at all the great people on this site. I know that i dont put in the...
Penny is nearly 11months and i am finding it tough today (tbh lots of days). I am not coping well with the demanding..exhausting behaviour of her...
Back to herself..starving and trying to jump about..now the hard work begins :eek::tail:
Penny is back home ...lampshade collar lol...she is so sleepy and just lying down..is it normal for her be shaky and shivery..i presume its just...
Well never thought i would say this but my house is too quiet. Penny is recovering in vets after speying op. I should be relishing this few hrs...