Well yes I do and that is a possibility. But I know I would start to get the feeling like Im free-loading off them if I started coming in every...
I have tried the pick up your dog and weight both and then subtract my weight. And I am a reasonably fit and strong 40 year old man with no...
Just like I ask in the thread title. I was wondering if anyone has ever heard of modifying the platform or part you stand on to make it bigger so...
It turns out its Canine Herpes. YIKES!!! From what I have read, its not transferable from dog to human. And there is actually nothing that can...
I think you might be right, but... those pics were taken on Sept 5th and it is about 90% healed up now. Do you think the vet can diagnose it by...
Hi, I am new here. I registered because I wanted to get peoples opinions on this sore that my Bella has gotten. This is the 2nd time she's...