Re: How long did you crate train for? we used to crate Zulu about an hour after we got home, then every hour or so. But now we just let him roam...
Hi All, I was wondering how long you guys crate trained your puppies for? Zulu is almost 14 weeks. Zulu is normally has free roam of the entire...
Re: Automated Toilet training using a crate and doggy door Indeed, it might require me to do some minor "modifications" to the crate :)
Re: Automated Toilet training using a crate and doggy door Yup, its purely about stopping him going to the toilet indoors when im not home (even...
Re: Automated Toilet training using a crate and doggy door Zulu knows VERY well how to use the doggy door.. it was actually minor problem as the...
Hi guys, I am looking at “creative” ways to teach Zulu to 1) use the doggy door to access the yard while we away and 2) go to the toilet outside...
Re: Zulu - 12 week update Thanks guys! Here is a pic of Zulu at around 12 weeks:...
Re: Inside, Outside or Combination Dog? I think the weather could play a role in it though? The coldest we get in Adelaide is perhaps 7 degrees...
Re: Zulu - 12 week update Yup, maybe the teething hasnt started yet :o
Re: Zulu - 12 week update Yeh, he has been very good, but i guess the more i put in the better he is going to be :) I have been trying my best...
Re: Inside, Outside or Combination Dog? Thanks! We have a 3 terrace property and the 1st terrace is the enclosed verandah (enclosed with steel...
Re: Zulu - 12 week update Also... Something i forgot to mentioned is that Zulu doesnt seem to be a big chewer. He has a few chew toys and a...
Hi All, I wanted to hear your thoughts / ideas regarding the Zulu’s access areas which would benefit him most. Currently Zulu spends most of the...
Hi All, I just thought I would give you all a little update on how things are going with Zulu, who is 12 weeks old… I was lucky to have 2 weeks...
Re: Hi from Australia Welcome to the forum... we from Adelaide :)
Re: Washing your puppy Hi, We come to at lunch time to take him for a walk, toilet break and his lunch. He has a turfed area and generally goes...
Re: Walking your puppy Thanks... strange you mention that as Zulu happily walks with me when he doesnt have his lead on and we in the garden....
Re: Walking your puppy Thanks for the advice..i was beginning to think Zulu was abnormal for not wanting to go for a morning walk. I'll just...
Re: Washing your puppy The main reason i want to wash Zulu, is not because he smells, but more for hygiene purposes. What i mean by that is......
Re: Washing your puppy Ok so perhaps just a good wash in some warm water without shampoo?