Was wondering that myself. Everyone I've spoke to really recommends it
Thank you we love him to bits. Hopefully we'll get it sorted I know we're not goi g to get rid of the lump but if I can just get it to dry up I'd...
hi been trying to add photos but can't do it
Hi yes we are are try Markus honey on it from today and with a dressing and then bandage and a vest top of mine. Fingers crossed it works x
Hi it's a watery substance with blood in it. He's been on antibiotics for for 4 weeks now. The lump is to large to be removed so she says it just...
Hi yes vet says the infection is gone but it's still weeping. I have just stated using manukau honey today as she says it might help. At the...
Hi everyone we have a black lab who's 14 next month. He has a very large ulcer on his back it's the size of an large apple. He's been on...