That’s good to hear then, was just a bit worried as she hasn’t been spayed yet, mind will be fully at ease when she has been! Thanks
My puppy Heidi has started receiving attention from other dogs, we were dog sitting a golden retriever and I noticed she started to sit down when...
I’ve just asked my partner and she said she could have mentioning something about being a Dudley, might not have realised at the time because we...
No, the breeder didn’t say anything. It wouldn’t have changed anything for me though. Is this something the breeder should disclose? Everything...
Yeah I did read about that as well, she’s a family pet/companion we don’t intend on showing her or breeding her. She’s a lovey dog, so well...
I thought she might be! Just wanted the opinion of people more experienced, thanks for the quick replies. Interesting to know about the nose...
My lab puppy has a light brown nose and paws. We are currently dog sitting a golden retriever and I noticed how black his nose was and realised...
Brilliant thanks a lot!
Thanks for the link to the article. Can I expect her to stop jumping on dogs head and faces as she gets older and matured?
I have a 5 month old lab pup, everything has went smooth so far. House training went well, she comes to her whistle whenever I call her with it...
Hello, I have a 14 week old Labrador. She’s been absolutely brilliant so far. She’s crate trained with no issues. Had a few problems with...