I don't use toppers, however, I do feed my dogs a lot of random stuff because it's fun! They love raw broccoli and cucumbers. I just slice them...
This is so funny and also the OP hit it right on the head. The irony is that it was the 10 pound beagle puppy who was a nightmare and caused much...
Thanks for all the welcomes! Cailin the beagle is 7 years, Bear the Lab/bc is 4 years, and Happy the Lab/Pointer is 3 years. I'll get photos up...
I wouldn't use chain either, just in case she does try to grab it. Maybe just try a different material? If you are currently using nylon, try...
Has she been having an evening playtime and then drinking a bunch of water? My half-lab started doing that and then peeing shortly after everyone...
I agree 100% on the leash and crating after if the pup chooses to not potty outside. My half lab had/still has the smallest bladder ever and...
Hello, Just joined today! I have a half lab/border collie and poissbly a half lab/half Pointer. They love to swim and one loves to fetch, the...