Switching him to raw has always been in the back of my mind. I will look into it deeper now.
Hello everyone, my 4 year old lab is having problems with allergies and recurring yeast infections, the vet gave us some medicated shampoo which...
Thanks for the reply. Doesn't come off when I wash him just fades a little. I only tried gently scrubbing it off one time for a few moments before...
It's something that's been on his skin for a while now. Doesn't seem to want to come off, first question is it "flee poop" if so how do you go...
We've been to the vet over 10 times for this issue over Milo's two years. The only thing they did flea prevention wise is change his Trifexis to...
Hello and sorry in advance if this isn't the correct spot for this thread. Milo is having a rough time with fleas, he takes his Trifexis and...
Thank you! Will read that article now.
The vet didn't specify a weight for him to be healthy, just said he was overweight. He's on Taste of the wild currently, we spend an hour or two a...
Hey all, I hope everyone has been well. Just left the vet with Milo and they said he's overweight, and to put him on a stricter diet. They...
He's my therapy dog so he's mostly inside sitting next to me in the air conditioning. I would to fill up a little pool for him but he his not a...
First off, thank you :) Currently 3 times a week with his Antiseptic & Antifungal Shampoo. I'm not sure if that's too often, but usually after...
Hey everyone. First of all Milo is doing better :), He's been suffering with really dry, itchy and dandruff filled skin. I bought him some Zesty...
I hope it works for your pup. I've been using Sogeval Douxo pads to soothe his problem areas, it's helped some but I feel there is better...
I'm really sorry to hear about your pup. It really is awful. One day I woke-up with Milo in my bed and he chewed through his fur and his skin to...
I just researched Betadine, it seems like it could help Milo a lot in his problem areas at an affordable price. How do you plan on using it if you...
Thank you everyone for the kind words! Made my day. :$
Looks like switching to Grain-free food fixed milo's problems! No more rashes, lumps, itching for over a month now! If anyone else is having the...
Thinking about going with Taste of the wild food. Does anyone have any experience or complaints with it?
Do you know what shampoo by chance?
I've thought of that too. I've bought hypoallergenic sheets, wash them in only water. For house cleaning I use natural products, baking soda,...