The is for the advice. Jack is coming up on 9 months this week so yes maybe it is a hormonal phase. What size 9f crate do you use? Jack is 32 kg...
What size of crate did you use and what was the maximum time you ever left judgement I just need to get over my guilt.
We used the pen and crate initially but he could jump it after he was 5 months. He only has access to the living room and hall way as we stair...
Hi everyone, I feel like this is my millionth post about Jack but he has reached new levels. So for about a month everything settled...routine 2...
Hi, So I feel like my 8 month old pup is completely manipulating me and I need advice. He knows what behaviour gains rewards and so does it...
Thanks for all the responses...Jack is 7 months old this Friday. I had never closed him in his crate as it has always been attached to his pen....
Oh and at what age do labs stop chewing as he destroyed his toys in minutes
I need advice...i have had Jack staying in a puppy pen attached to his crate since we got him and its been a god send.. as I work part time....
Hi everyone... Jack is now nearly 7 months and loves his toys but he destroys them in minutes...ropes, rubber, teddies. We use Kong's too and...
Hi Karen, where in Germany are you? I live in Berlin.
We have a crate attached to his pen and it works really well. He gets walked in the morning and then I go to work and leave him with the radio on...
Omg and Jack slept longer this morning ...I had to wake him ..9.30-6. Thanks again everyone x
Thanks for all the feedback...I think I have been fixated on exercise and tiring him out rather than training and experience. So today I took him...
Good evening everyone, How often do you walk or exercise your pups in a day. Jack is 15 weeks now and I have read about the 5 min for every...
Hi everyone, Jack is now 14 weeks old and so far he has been in a crate attached to a puppy pen while we are at work and this is working well....
Thanks everyone for the advice and reassurance....I am very much getting to know Jack's cries and I have found spending a few extra minutes in the... it's 4.39 am...Jack has been been us for 3 weeks . Last week I got my hopes up as he had started to sleep from 10pm -6.30am but not I feel...
Hi everyone, We have had Jack now for 3 weeks and he is wonderful. The only issue is his behaviour with the cats and the rabbit. He is fine if I...
Thank you so much for all your was much calmer and hopefully tonight will be too. Tomorrow I leave him for 2 hrs to work..Kong's at...