I have never had a lab act like him he doesn't have the same normal lab puppy behavior he is more laid back n calm except for when he c a...
Ur right and wrong all n one go to this website usaservicedogregistration.Com it will tell u what they can and cannot do
Command for him to watch me two fingers at his eyes n say (watch momma)
I know it is n it's not harsh at all I want everyones opinion and honesty up front not someone beating around the bush that's y I asked for help...
Yes he will be wearing a vest when he is working I have ordered it n it is on its way just waiting for it to get here
Yes he is learning search/rescue for me only he has learned to snif my dirty clothes n when he turns his head away I know he is done smelling...
But he wants his play time at home all day long he doesn't want to work when I tell him it work time so what do I do
Like I said I understand that n I can work on that w him
I live in a HUD apt so I can not let him off his lead but I do understand what u r saying
Yes I have epilepsy so he knows when iam going to have a seizure so yes he has to be n work more all the the time cuz he is a service dog
He is listening to most of the commands I give him at home but when we r out he listens to all of them I don't know what to do to get it n his...