Thank you for your message. Yes I know what you mean! Just to be clear, the time out is only in the boring hallway for 30 seconds and if she does...
Ps my husband didn't have the harness on...haha!
That is good advice Selina- thank you for that. Funnily enough she is usually fine with me handling her and today I went out in my husband's...
Hi there- similar to the above, I just wanted to add that when we brought our pup (now 19 weeks) home she went straight into sleeping in her area...
Hi and thank you for your reply-always good to know you're not alone ! I took mine out in the car today for the first time in a while and she was...
Hello there. This is my first post on anything, anywhere and it's...that old favourite puppy subject! First of all, you may think I am in the...